Daniel Peres
RECORDS OF ALTO XINGU BY DALTON VALÉRIO,It is a window of communication with the Kalapalos, the Upper Xingu, its fauna, and flora. And at the same time, a window of opportunity to enrich ourselves as people, broadening our understanding of our native friends, about ourselves, and how we can help them maintain themselves in this environment. At the same time, the world advances towards the digital age, the virtual, the meta-verse, and new realities.The collection is composed of 51 tokens from 8 unique images, selected and picked from the artist's personal collection, collectible jewelry from his first photographic expeditions, memories capable of making people smile and move, and who knows, even help us change a little bit how we see the world, reflect about how we live our lives, treat our fellow human beings, the environment, and even ourselves. Our time, our efforts, and our resources.